Environmental, Social and Government

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4.46 MXN -0.04 | -0.89% 11/09/2024

Guests of the World

At Norte 19, we stand out for our ability to integrate innovative and sustainable solutions that transform the concept of hospitality. Our people are our priority, and we dedicate resources to the development and well-being of each team member. This ensures that they are empowered to deliver the best service to our customers while engaging in practices that protect the environment, promote community well-being, and ensure equitable progress.

Impacto City is the platform that houses the sustainable programs and actions that Norte 19 carries out to make a positive impact on society and increase the economic and social well-being of the communities where it is present.

Impacto City reflects the essence, values, and philosophy of Norte 19.
Guests of the World
Learn more about Impacto City's actions in the

Sustainability Report 2023



In Norte 19 we believe that we are all guests of this world and what really matters is that following our stay we leave a positive footprint for the future. This is how Norte 19, through the development and operation of national and international hotels, reaffirms its sustainable commitment, which distinguishes it as the first company in Mexico to implement sustainable measures in the services it offers.

Goals for 2025:

Increase the participation of hotels incorporated in the portfolio under the environmental volunteer program by 80%.

Reduce gas consumption by 5%, water consumption by 4%, and electricity consumption by 3%.

Implement initiatives that support our carbon capture and mitigation strategy.

Continue with the organizations active commitment to the incorporation and monitoring of international ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards.

Support the global commitment to halve emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050 - Glasgow Declaration.

Our Sustainable Model Contemplates three strategic pillars

Environmental conservation: for climate change mitigation, biodiversity protection and resource efficiency.

Economic value: to promote the integral development of communities by generating well-paying jobs, supporting social entrepreneurship, and ensuring ethical performance in its operations.

Social welfare: to promote fair and equitable labor practices and improve the living conditions of local communities by being a Socially Responsible Company.

Environmental conservation

  • Care for biodiversity
  • Waste reduction and energy efficiency
  • Responsible tourism

Sustainable Development Goals

Clean water and sanitation Affordable and clean energy Responsible consumption and production Climate action Life below water Life on land

Creation of economic value

  • Support for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Generation of direct and indirect jobs
  • Ethics, Transparency and Governance

Sustainable Development Goals

Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Peace, justice and strong institutions

Contribution to social welfare

  • Inclusion and Diversity
  • Training and Development
  • Partnerships with high impact organizations

Sustainable Development Goals

No poverty Zero hunger Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities and communities Peace, justice and strong institutions Partnerships for the goals

Our 2023 achievements

Social investment of 4.8 million pesos, allocating 60% in kind with the donation of 1,922 nights of lodging, and the remaining 40% as economic investment for social projects and emissions offsets.
We generated alliances with 30 organizations and institutions that work for the benefit of the environment and society.
We encouraged the participation of 989 volunteers from 100 hotels through our Environmental Volunteer Program.
We reduced water use by 2.37%. By the end of 2023, we operated 43 hotels using natural gas, which will enable us to implement initiatives which support the energy transition.
Our actions contributed to the advancement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established in the 2030 Agenda of the UN (United Nations).

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